Thursday, February 7, 2013


So today was wonderful.

House is clean
Kids are clean
Played, built Legos, read books
Napped with Sterling on the couch
Ellen's homework & Gracies letter practice is done
Homemade dinner made
Those dishes are done

but the one thing that was soooo noticeable was the laundry, all is done AND put away. Maybe the 1st time EVER. A family of 6, 4 of those kids, 3 of those kids girls...who change their outfits constantly. DONE, PUT

I could not figure out why things were going soooo smooth though.
My mom joined us for dinner..... what was different today, she asked.
It took a moment & I thought about it.

I didn't work, I sent 3 work emails this morning that was it.


Love my job & the financial freedom it has given our family. But I am not sure the last time I had a day of no work.

Might have to do this again soon. ;)

Friday, January 25, 2013

My baby......

is is that even possible?

I wont lie, I shed a few tears that day thinking about her birth & that I was no longer going to have any a baby to rock to sleep in my arms.

Though I am different then many, being pregnant & giving birth is one of most favorite things in the world. (Hence...I had 4 in 5 years) But I know I can not take care of any more children & it wouldn't be fair to my children now to have more. So I frequently look back at pictures, watch movies & tell stories of my 4 births.

Back to my baby....I mean big girl? Oh, how she is soooo independent & strong willed. She has 3 bigger siblings to follow around & she does not want to be left behind.

So she went & did it...she turned 2....I am sure soon I will be blogging that she is 12, because that is how fast it seems to be going by.

Happy 2nd Birthday Ruby, I think I just might always call you baby.

Saturday, December 29, 2012

Christmas Review....

Someone has told me several times recently {aka Danielle} That I am not keeping up with my blog.

Which is true.

 So starting of a New Year, a few days early, I am going to be more regular with posts {Also no more Credit Card Dept & get the house organized}

Okay, back to The Christmas Review.

This is the 1st year we had to hide the gifts & hide them good. Christmas Eve everyone {aka our 4 minis} went to sleep well, except for Sterling {surprise, surprise} Once we finally he was asleep we went to work like the busy elves we are. Putting together, taking out of boxes & setting the it was perfect for when they would 1st look over the loft wall in the morning.

The morning was amazing. Smiles, laughter..memories being made. As a parent that is all you are trying to do, making amazing memories they will remember for ever. It was a success.

Grandma & Grandpa might just be better then Santa. We are {blessed} that they are in our lives, they made our Children's Christmas, simply amazing.

Around 2pm we hit the road for Cleveland.

13 cousins 4 weeks to 8 years. Making Memories.

Caught this when no one was looking.

Sister in laws. We are kind of...amazing.

So if you ask my kids, I am sure they will tell you....Christmas was amazing. We are blessed with a wonderful family & made memories we hope they will remember always.

Thursday, December 13, 2012

O Holy Night! The stars are brightly shining.....

It has been a long time since my last blog. A long, long time. Pumpkins were my last topic!

It the last 2 months have been my busiest selling months of the year. I am 'oh so tired' & ready for the upcoming holiday spent with my mini me's!

The house is decorated, the presents are bought & now the Christmas programs have begun!

Today Mark took the morning off. The 2 of us drove all 4 kids to school. We dropped off Ellen, then drove to preschool. In we walked Grace, Sterling & Ruby to MMO. We did our duty in the carpool line, ran an errand & surprised Ellen at her school by taking her into her library book fair. Then it happened. We drove to the Preschool Christmas performance, sat down in the row & were able to watch a show just Mark & I. It was wonderful. We had no kids with us, as they were all in school. We did not have to remove anyone because they were talking or crying. We got to enjoy & listen to our beautiful children sing with their classes & it was bliss.


Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Oooooh la la pumpkins........

One of my favorite family outings, yes.....even more then apple picking. Finding the perfect family pumpkin. It is the smell in the air, the chill...yet sunshine, & oh yea...the pictures. Oh, how I love pictures. I know every parent thinks their children are beautiful, but mine really are the apple of my eye. I love that we are making the memories that they are going to forever have in their minds...& when they forget, the picture will be there. Every year going to the same pumpkin patch, taking our big wheel barrel loaded down with children out to the fields only to load it down with pumpkins. Watching them wander the field till they find the perfect pumpkin. We might of had crying fits about who could not find there shoes or who touched who in the car, but when we get there all worries are gone. As we go pick out 'the big one'. And did we ever this year too....the one we are always looking at & taking picture with..yep we bought it. Hope they remember that too! ;)

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Mrs. Brothers Baby Shower

 What a great afternoon spent in Ellen's 1st grade classroom! All of my ideas for the baby shower seemed to go off without a hitch! I love Mary, she has been a great friend for so many years & I am happy that I was able to do this for her as we await the birth of Baby Brothers! She is loaded up with diapers & books...hopefully they will both last her a good long while!
 Love me some cookies made by Sugar Chic in Dublin. She make amazing creations!

 We did 2 art projects. 1st everyone gave their best advice for taking care of a baby & a name suggestion for baby Brothers. They colored a picture on the bottom & this is being turned into a book at Kinko's for her! 2nd we gave her a scrap book & each child made a page decorated with baby stickers for her to have a brag book at school! The kids had such a great time!

We can't wait to meet you Baby Brothers!

Monday, October 1, 2012

Matilda Jane

 I am so in love & overly obsessed with this line of clothes. So much so I think it is almost worth selling all their clothes in their closets to take that money & then to buy them a Matilda Jane wardrobe!

 EVERY time they wear it the get compliments...constantly.

Ruby & I hit the Coffee shop, post office, bank & library hour before picking up the kids from preschool. The Ooooo's & Ahhhhh's were non-stop. 

They just look cute, I think they know it too. When they wear it, it must make them 'feel' pretty. Ruby twirled & danced thru every store!

Trunk Show at my house! Great outfits for family pictures & 
would be so cute in outdoor fall photos!